Wesley Fryer
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Wes Fryer is a middle school STEM and media literacy teacher in Charlotte, North Carolina. As a teacher and workshop leader, Wes loves to empower others to communicate more effectively with different kinds of media. He is the author of several books on effectively using technology tools for teaching and learning. Wes maintains several websites, including ShowWithMedia.com (“Show with Media: What Do You Want to CREATE Today?”) and www.storychasers.org (a passion project focusing on oral history and digital storytelling). He is a 1992 graduate of the US Air Force Academy, a Fulbright Scholar, and completed his Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction from Texas Tech University in 2011. Wes is an Apple Distinguished Educator and Google Certified Teacher. More details about his background are available on wesfryer.com/bio. Links to connect and learn with Wes are available on wesfryer.com/after.